August 10, 2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are self-isolating and adapting to shelter-in-place restrictions. The shift from a socially active lifestyle to a more restricted and isolated one may be enough to trigger Cabin Fever.
Cabin Fever is a symptom of extreme discomfort and restlessness caused by living in isolation or in a confined area of the home for a long time - as defined by Merriam Webster.
❓What is the sign that you are in CABIN FEVER state?
- Boring
- Irritability
- Jitter
- Impatient
- Worry
- Lack of motivation
- Loneliness
- Hopeless
- Depression
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are self-isolating and adapting to shelter-in-place restrictions. The shift from a socially active lifestyle to a more restricted and isolated one may be enough to trigger Cabin Fever.
✅Fastest way to cope CABIN FEVER?
1. Develop habits and stick to them
2. Find a good work-life balance
3. Follow a healthy diet
4. Stay physically active
5. Spend time in nature
6. Get enough sleep
7. Virtual connections with others
8. Control the consumption of news
9. Try to focus on the positives
10. Just be easy
It can take time for a person to adjust to a new way of life. People should not be hard on themselves if they feel that they are not coping as well as they could. Instead, they should try to relax and focus on what they have done successfully.
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