February 01, 2020


In situation, Coronavirus epidemic is increasing day by day. In Vietnam, 3 cases have been infected by Corona virus, totaling 6 cases positive for this deadly virus including 2 Chinese and 4 Vietnamese.

Corona flu isn’t just a story of China but has become "an international emergency medical condition" - The World Health Organization (WHO) declared.

Therefore, every citizen must be really careful in protecting the health for yourself and family with the following 7 precautions:
1. Avoid contact with people who have symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath. Go to the medical center immediately when you have the above symptoms.
2. Restrict travel to public areas and tourism during this time.
3. Wear a medical mask in the public and contact with people who have symptoms.
4. Wash your hands often with antibacterial soap. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
5. When coughing, sneezing and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or a sleeve. Wash your hands immediately.
6. Only use cooked foods.
7. Don't gauze spit in public environment. Avoid contact with pets and wildlife.

CityHouse recommends that every person should strengthen to protect yourself with foods or drinks containing vitamin C.

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